IT WORKS. (but don't just trust us....)
Seeing is believing - remarkable stain removal without resorting to the nasty things found in other less effective stain fighters. Read our reviews, great press or check out the videos.
Fast, Safe & Effective Stain Salvation*
Designed to live where life (and accidents) happen
Solving Spills
1: Spills Happen
When the inevitable stain happens a fast response really helps (though we also work great on older stains). Make sure you keep one of the ESR® family of products handy to where life (and stains) are happening.
2: Blot The Stained Area
Using a paper towel or sponge, remove the excess stain causing material and slightly dampen the stained area to allow for best performance.
3: Apply ESR® Formula
After checking that the fabric or surface is suitable for ESR® Formula (i.e colorsafe - more details here ) you can apply (wipe or spray) to the area. It will start working straight away. Some stains require different treatment (fabric rubbed on itself or rinse with water) so see Help section or FAQ's for tips.
4: Having Fun (and loving kids, wine or life)
If necessary you can repeat treatment. Set in stains can be allowed to soak. For clothing and washable fabrics launder as appropriate. For carpets and upholstery be careful to remove all residue using a sponge or wet vac.